
“Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

As part of our vision to be a place where you can become a whole life follower of Jesus, we want to create a space for our kids to grow deep roots for life-long faith.

We are a church accessible to all ages, where children’s engagement with faith is prioritised and families feel valued, supported and safe.



At our 10.30am service, the kids stay in the service for the first 20 minutes before heading out to their groups. HT Kids regularly have the opportunity to be involved with our call to worship, accessible prayers and action songs during this time!

We also have four shorter ‘All-In’ services a year, where the kids stay in the service and we all worship together with dramatic re-tellings of Bible stories, action songs and interactive prayers!

CRÈCHE (0-2’s)

A space for our smallest members to play and explore safely, along with some Bible stories, worship action songs and prayers. Crèche takes place in the downstairs room at the back of church.

TOTS (2-4’s)

A semi-structured session with a Biblical teaching focus. There will be a mixture of elements to these sessions including Bible stories, play, games, crafts, prayers, worship and discussions. Tots takes place in one of the upstairs rooms.

KIDS (4+)

A structured session with a biblical teaching focus. There will be a mixture of elements to the sessions including Bible stories, play, games, crafts, prayers, worship and deeper discussions.

Coming up

Find out what’s coming up this term for families at HT & the Priory.